On July 26, 2002, I began my “Notablog” on the New York University server. On August 1, 2020, I migrated to a new server, which hosted both my homepage and a newly constituted Notablog. Today marks post #3,795 over the last 22 years and it debuts in a brand new WordPress, mobile-friendly format.

I am currently involved in more than a dozen self-generated writing assignments, many of which will extend my dialectical-libertarian research project. I will be sharing my progress on these and other matters over time—not to mention lots of commentary on everything from politics and philosophy to music and film.

While Notablog has gotten a facelift, my homepage still has that 1990s look and its indices are sometimes difficult to see, but every single page on its site is also mobile friendly. Don’t hold your breath on changes to that page any time soon! It’s very text heavy! And I’ve got lots of work to do!

I want to thank my very dear friend of 30+ years—Peter Saint-Andre—for his remarkable patience, fortitude, speed, and energy in making this Notablog project happen. I couldn’t have done it without him. He’s the best!

Check out the new Notablog!

As an addendum to yesterday’s post, for the benefit of my readers, here’s a little reminder on the origins of the name “Notablog”, which I clarified way back on 15 February 2005:

“Some readers have wondered why I continue to call this site ‘Not a Blog,’ even though it seems to become more blog-like with each passing week. Well, it’s going to stay ‘Not a Blog’—though from now on it will appear with closed spaces between the words: ‘Notablog.’ That phrase can just as easily be viewed as an acronym for ‘None Of The Above Blog’ … or ‘Nota Blog’ … recalling the Latin phrase ‘Nota Bene,’ featuring entries on topics of which one might take particular notice.”